Monday, December 31, 2012

Preface THIS.

Once upon a time there was a Girl. She met a Boy, and after a very short courtship, they married. Two days later, Boy deployed, and Girl and Boy's Little Girl attempted to figure out life on their own for the next fifteen months. After two more duty stations, a beautiful baby boy, another deployment, an autism diagnosis, Boy's Little Girl deciding to live with her mother, and Girl having a yearning to work, Girl, Baby Boy, and the dogs moved home to Kansas, where there was work, services for Baby Boy, and Family. Girl went to visit Boy over Labor Day weekend to get some things, as Girl found a job, and Boy was happy for her. Boy was gearing up to deploy, and came to visit Girl and Baby Boy and Family at Thanksgiving. Three weeks and a text message later, Boy told Girl he wasn't happy anymore and wanted to divorce. The End.

A text message? Are you fucking kidding me? Who wrote this shit? Grimm?

Needless to say, I am Girl. My life as I knew it no longer exists. In about 70 days, I will no longer be Mrs., just Ms., thankyouverymuch. A single mom, not an Army wife. A homeowner, a commuter, a ... Yeah. That's the problem. Who am I now? I'm not quite sure. Who was I? Oh yeah... that vibrant, independent, carefree, loving, witty girl? I miss her. And I'm going to get her back. And I'll adapt her into the mom of an amazing boy with special needs, a little dog who thinks she's a big dog, and a big dog who thinks he's a lap dog. The four of us are going to live happily ever after, goddammit.

Now to just figure out how. Because my old GPS be broken and shit.